Friday, 28 August 2015

The SMAPEx-5 blog is online

Our fifth and last SMAPEx field campaing is starting soon and our blog is already online. Please visit us on for daily updates on the preparations for departure, arrival of the Teams to the field, and daily activities during our sampling days. See you there!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Life in the field with SMAPEx-4

Q&A with Amy McNally, one of the first participants of the SMAPEx-4 campaign, here.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Fingers in the pie

If you look closely you can see the imprint of a hand right over the core SMAP validation area, that shadowed it from the heavy rain experienced in the north and east of the site on Tuesday May 19th.

Post by: Prof Jeffrey Walker, Monash University, Australia

And now we're famous!

A story about the work we have been doing in the Yanco area has made it to the front page of the local newspaper.

Post by: Prof Jeffrey Walker, Monash University, Australia

All good things must come to an end

It has been an enjoyable time and a diversity of conditions observed over the past three weeks.

The team enjoys a celebratory dinner at the end of the last sampling day, before completing the pack up and long drive back home.

Post by: Prof Jeffrey Walker, Monash University, Australia

Remeniscing about SMAPEx-4

SMAPEx-4 is almost over and participants are ready to return home. Now it's time to look back at some non-SMAP related events during the campaign, as where there is work, there needs to be fun, too. Here are the first ones, Anouk and Al cleaning up the raffles (on two different days) at the Leeton Soldiers Club.

And Al not waiting long to put it to good use...

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Article from our colleagues at UNSW

Seokhyeon Kim and Robert Parinussa from the Water Research Centre at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (Australia) are part of the group of scientists participating in the SMAPEx-4 campaign. Check out the article about the experiment that has been published at their website here